Saturday, February 11, 2012

Do we need a Smartphone? Useful reading

Many websites offering advise on whether we really need a smartphone

From Daily Mail
My blackberry broke/crashed at the beginning of the month, the first week was hell as I felt I was missing out on everything but since then I've come to not miss it at all in fact life is better without it. I'm getting more work done, more jobs done at home and more family time. Work now finishes when I leave the office, e-mails have to wait till the next morning before being answered. I'm managing absolutely fine using my old none-smart phone and a quick phone call is easier and more productive than sending unnecessary e-mails and texts, as for tweets and facebook updates I found that I couldn't really care less what other people are doing. If it’s important and you want to share something in your life then a phone call is far more sociable and personal or talk about it face to face.

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